Ecommerce doing +21k$/month

If you don't double your investment in 60 days, you don't pay.

After talking with numerous ecom owners,
I found some recurring problems

Spending thousands of dollars on ads, just to see your CPA growing and your ROI decreasing

Feeling like you are not making the money you should with email marketing

Seeing your potential clients visiting the page, just to scroll and leave without making a single purchase

Our goal?
Increase your revenue.

But how do we do it?

Who are we?

Hey, I'm Daniel!Spending the last 2 years doing websites, designs and emails for infoproducts, made me realize something.I was born to do email marketing for ecommerce.After seeing how fast I could get results, and how happy my clients were, I decided to spend every waking hour learning how you can optimize your emails.

Some designs

What's the plan?

Onboarding call to make we know who is your target audience and how we will make them buy

Create the Flows and Popups in lighting speed with the help of AI (while still sounding human)

Schedule and create 3x campaigns/week, with both sales and nurturing content

Want to 2x your investment?


If it didn’t work, you wouldn’t probably be reading this. HubSpot released an article last December, stating, 'In fact, the email ROI is an impressive $36 for every $1 spent.

After working with dozens of other brands, there are always 2 problems that make you stagnate. Being slow, and not optimizing. Why take 2 months to create flows, when you can do it in 2 weeks? That's a month and half of revenue lost. And why not optimize every single detail? Most agencies just copy paste templates and expect the customer to be happy. I will literally not sleep if there are things that need to be improved.

In our discovery call, we discuss whether I am able to help you or not. If we seem like a great fit and decide to move forward, I will start working on the pop-ups and flows IMMEDIATELY to make sure you get your results ASAP.

Other agencies like to copy and paste some templates and send you complicated KPIs to look smart so that you don’t fire them. We do the opposite. We create emails from scratch to ensure they realign with your brand image. And as time goes on, we are CONSTANTLY making little improvements here and there to make sure you are always growing.